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Identity Resources


Identity Resources icon is an outline of a person viewed from the front on a circular green backgroundOrganizations are embracing individuals with unique backgrounds that can bring a new perspective to work. 日益增长的多元文化和全球化的趋势 economy push recruiters to seek leaders and employees who support people with a variety of identities. 以下是为少数民族或历史上受压迫的学生提供的资源 backgrounds. 请利用下面的资源,如果他们代表你的身份的一部分 或者如果你想促进工作场所的多样性、公平性和包容性.

经常回来看看,因为哈特职业中心正在不断扩大这个名单! If 如果你发现了一个有用的资源,你想分享,请发送电子邮件到 for consideration.

平等机会、出版物、多样性和包容性职业中心 是一个一流的多元化在线招聘平台吗. EOP将致力于招聘的雇主联系起来 拥有各种职业背景的合格求职者的多元化劳动力队伍.

  • Race & Ethnicity Resources
    • RemotePOC. 在包容性公司为远程工作的有色人种提供工作机会.
    • Diversity Employers . A career and self-development magazine targeted to African American students and other students of color seeking information on careers, job opportunities, graduate/professional 学校,实习/合作社,出国留学项目等等.
    • 全国工程领域少数民族行动委员会. NACME’s mission is to increase the number of successful African American, American Indian, and Latino young women and men in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)教育和职业.
    • 全国有色人种协进会 . The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of rights of all 消除种族仇恨和种族歧视.
    • . A career and self-development site devoted to serving the cultural and career-related 所有少数群体的需要.
    • INSIGHT Into Diversity. One of the most recognized resources for equal opportunity employers who are seeking 为他们的员工队伍增加多样化、合格的候选人. AG娱乐包括 在学术界、商界、医疗保健业和政府.
    • 扩大参与研究所 . A directory of links to programs designed to increase diversity in the science, technology, 工程和数学(STEM)劳动力. 项目包括实习、工作、 奖学金和奖学金机会. 该研究所是一个独立的、开源的机构 non-profit and provides resources to faculty and students by means of an infrastructure 不受制度或纪律限制的.
    • NACE多样性资源 . The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) connects university career 为招聘人员和雇主提供专业服务. 它保持着一系列的多样性 可供学生使用的资源.
  • Black Resources
  • Latinx /西班牙资源
  • AAPI Resources
  • Arab 
  • Quintessential Careers 发布有关职业工具、求职技巧和建议的综合信息. 这个网站是各种网络资源的管理. 从这里开始查看广泛的站点列表 为不同的群体提供信息.
  • 北美伊斯兰协会的职业页面 拥有ISNA和其他组织当前职位空缺的信息.
  • LatPro works to connect Latinx and bilingual professionals with employers throughout the Americas.
  • 西班牙职业世界杂志, launched in 2001 is the recruitment link between students and professionals who 是西班牙裔以及想要雇佣他们的雇主. 这份刊物提供职业指导 专栏、新闻和专题文章,介绍拉美裔在各个领域的情况.
  • 非裔美国人职业世界杂志, launched in 2001, is the recruitment link between students and professionals who 非裔美国人和想要雇佣他们的雇主. 该出版物包括 career strategies, industry trends, and role-model profiles that target the African-American community.
  • 平等机会杂志, launched in 1968, is a career-guidance and recruitment magazine offered at no charge to qualified African-American, Hispanic, Native-American, and Asian-American college 职业学科的学生和专业人士. 平等机会赋予读者权力 在他们的求职和/或目前的工作环境中取得进展.

    Out & 平等工作场所倡导组织与财富1000强企业和政府合作 agencies to provide executive leadership development, comprehensive training and consultation, and professional networking opportunities to build inclusive and welcoming work environments.
    The Human Rights Campaign uses a Corporate Equity Index to measure an organization’s climate. 他们每年都会发布一份最佳工作场所名单,并附上评论 各组织的lgbtqia政策.

    The Equal Opportunity Publications online career center has thousands of job listings, in all areas of work from skill labor to sales, design, business development and more. Their website also lists Career Expos for diverse groups, women, and people with disabilities.
    Diversity Search works directly with employers who want to showcase opportunities 在他们多元化的公司文化中. 点击这里查看广泛的工作列表,很多 在科技行业内.
    Diversity Employers provides career and self-development information to all minorities, including African Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Latino/Hispanic 美国人,印第安人,还有女人.

    Check this site by the American Foundation for the Blind for information about different 职业选择,以及求职者指南.
    Deaf Linx is a comprehensive site that fights “audism,” and includes information about education and professional organizations for those with deafness or hearing loss.
    这个招聘板随时都有25万个空缺职位. 点击这里查看全面信息 职位列表,向各种能力的个人开放. You can easily 按公司或工作类型查看.
  • CAREERS & the disABLED Magazine, established in 1986, is the nation's first and only career-guidance and recruitment magazine for people with disabilities who are at undergraduate, graduate, or professional levels. 每期都有一个特殊的盲文部分.

  • 女权主义就业委员会 一个高流量的网站是为女性和女权主义求职者准备的吗.
  • Remote Women is a job board for remote work positions for professional women at female-friendly companies.
  • Catalyst 一家研究和领导力培训机构是否具有全球影响力. Through their resources page, you can access an extensive list of job search and career advancement sites, as well as networking websites for women and women of color and resources for the LGBTQIA community.
  • 美国大学妇女协会 在各个领域赋予女性权力. 他们的职业和工作网站有文章 从科技行业的女性到一般的薪资谈判.
  • Quintessential Careers hosts this page which has a variety of networking organizations for women, including 计算机、贸易、通信等领域的女性团体.
  • Woman Engineer Magazine, launched in 1979, is a career-guidance and recruitment magazine offered at no charge to qualified women engineering, computer science and information technology students & professionals seeking employment and advancement opportunities in their careers.

  • 我的(无)记录生活 and  《AG娱乐》 provide up-to-date information, resources, and community for undocumented immigrants, including scholarship opportunities, strategies for navigating the educational system, 以及如何申请DACA的信息.
  • Parker Dewey is an organization dedicated to providing equitable access to professional opportunities. 公司向所有学生提供短期带薪工作机会.
  • Harvard Act on a Dream is a student-led, student-run organization at Harvard College dedicated to eradicating 移民学生在充分发挥潜力方面面临的障碍. The website includes student stories, a scholarship database, and additional resources for undocumented 学生和其他希望了解更多的人.
  • United We Dream 是这个国家最大的由移民青年领导的社区吗. 
  • UndocBlack Network is a为黑人无证学生提供网络空间.
  • 导航研究生院:无证学生资源指南 details the legal and practical concerns of undocumented students who are contemplating 或目前正在攻读研究生教育.