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Micro-Internship信息 找一份微型实习

获得实习机会? 给我们讲讲吧!



积累经验! 实习 offer opportunities to make your education "real" by providing practical work experience in your major field of study or career interest area.


  • 探索未来职业的可能性
  • 获得宝贵的技能和与职业相关的经验
  • 将课堂知识应用于实际情况
  • 建立专业联系,建立人际关系网
  • 可能赚到钱,学分,或者是未来的工作机会
  • 和更多的!

任何时候! 学生 complete 实习 during the fall/spring semesters, over 5项, and 整个夏天. During the academic year, interns will typically work 12-15 hours 一个星期. 在5月学期或夏季,实习生可以全职工作.

You can intern whenever you are ready - 这 could be the spring semester of your 第一年或者毕业后的暑假!

在任何地方! Many organizations in Bloomington-Normal offer convenient local 实习 to your 学年期间的学生. 在五月学期或夏季,学生可以实习 在他们的家乡,在其他城市/州,甚至出国! COVID-19之后 pandemic, remote internship opportunities have increased exponentially and many IWU 学生们在远程实习方面取得了成功.

远程 实习 provide the chance to gain career relevant experience with an organization w在这里 现场工作是有限的或不需要的.  

Finding and securing a remote experience mirrors the normal job search process in 许多方面:

  • 更新你的简历.
  • Create and complete profiles on the sites to which you are applying - (e.g. 握手, LinkedIn,帕克·杜威). *LinkedIn为远程实习提供了一个过滤器!
  • Look at the experiences you are applying to and evaluate the benefits.
  • 要为虚拟面试做好准备,以确保获得职位.

我觉得你可能对远程实习感兴趣?  读 文章获取更多信息.

有时! It is common for 实习 to be 已付或未付, which is something the organization 决定了. The experience earned from 实习 is always valuable whether it is 已付或未付!

伊利诺斯州卫斯理's 哈特就业中心 is a part of the Illinois Cooperative Work Study Grant program through the Illinois Board of Higher education. 通过这项拨款, t在这里 is funding support for 实习 at select organizations in the Bloomington-Normal area. 请 contact 扎亚茨帕特里克, Assistant Director for Career Engagement/Internship 协调员, pzajac@jiaheqipei.com,浏览作为资助一部分的实习地点名单. 

也许! Each academic department makes 这 determination on a case-by-case 基础. 学生 must work with a faculty supervisor to complete the required Learning Contract at 这一页的顶部. 如果你愿意的话,一定要填好额外的表格 添加Global Diversity标志.

To receive credit during 5项 or the summer academic term, please note that you 5月学期和夏季学期的学费是多少. 你可以申请学费减免 最大值为0.5 credit if your internship qualifies under specific guidelines. 请 看到信息 在这里 for guidelines on the partial tuition waiver for credit during the summer.  

Forms must be turned in to the 职业中心 BEFORE the semester deadline to add/drop 一门课程. The 职业中心 then notifies the Registrar to enroll you in the appropriate 实习课程. 提交表格至 pzajac@jiaheqipei.com 或者把它们放在我们的办公室,我们星期一开放. ——星期五.,上午8点至中午12点 & 1 - 4:30pm.

从你自己开始! Before you start searching for an internship, you should set some goals for yourself 评估一下你想从实习中得到什么和需要什么. 问自己以下问题 问题:

  • 我的职业兴趣是什么? 我想做什么样的工作?
  • 什么样的组织或行业吸引我?
  • What personal traits, skills, or knowledge would I like to develop?
  • 我什么时候可以安排实习?
  • 我愿意或能够在哪里实习?
  • 我的收入需求和交通选择是什么?

Once you have done some goal setting, you are ready to begin the search process.

现在! 开始寻找可能性永远不会嫌早! 就业中心收到 internship listings continuously and most organizations accept applications on a rolling 基础. Begin searching at least a semester before you'd like to intern. 国家的最后期限 因为暑期实习开始得很早. 抢占先机将为你提供 更多的选择.

从这里开始! 一个很好的开始是在IWU哈特职业中心. 我们有很多实习机会 opportunities with IWU students through our career services platform, 握手. 你也可以参加一个 招聘会 寻找需要实习生的公司. 查看我们的 在线资源 在其他网站上搜索实习机会!

 Internship applications vary per the organization, but it is best practice to do 以下几点:

  1. 重新开始: 这 is a strictly one page document highlighting your unique experiences; 这 can include education, honors, awards, coursework, research, publications, jobs, community service/volunteer work, activities/leadership experience, skills, certifications, 语言等等. 得到帮助 starting or updating your resume by making an appointment 或者发邮件给 ccenter@jiaheqipei.com 作为Word文档或Google文档.
  2. 求职信: (also called letter of application, introduction, or interest) formatted as a one-page business letter, it must be uniquely written for each organization and position you apply for in order to cater to each individual organization and position. 得到帮助 with writing your cover letter by making an appointment 或者发邮件给 ccenter@jiaheqipei.com 附上你所申请实习职位的相关信息.
  3. 为面试做准备:(见以下信息)
  4. 后续: if it has been over 一个星期 since you applied or since the application deadline has passed, it is fine to politely follow-up with an email or phone call inquiring about 申请的状态.

  1. 研究: be familiar with the organization and the position you applied for. 准备具体 questions to ask the interviewer at the interview - 这 demonstrates your interest 这也表明你是积极主动的!
  2. 实践! Sign up for a practice interview (or make an appointment with a career advisor) to practice your interview skills answering typical interview questions.
  3. 展现你的专业穿着合适的服装 & 守时.
  4. 后续: be sure to thank those who interviewed you that evening or the next morning after 通过发电子邮件或给他们打个电话来面试.

  1. 给我们讲讲吧! 填写实习报告表(上图).
  2. 为你的实习争取学分! Work with a faculty supervisor to fill out the academic credit forms (above).
  3. 和你的雇主明确你的期望. Confirm your start date, hours, job responsibilities, salary, attire, supervisor, 等. 把你们的协议写成书面形式是个好主意.
  4. 撤回你在其他机构未完成的申请. If you interviewed for any other opportunities, reach out to inform them that you 已经不能胜任这个职位了. 如果你申请其他实习 you haven't yet heard back from, make sure that if they do end up reaching out for 一次面试,回复说你不再希望被考虑.
  5. 充分利用你的实习经验. Take initiative, observe and learn, be professional, find a mentor, communicate respectfully, 要有团队精神,玩得开心!

向职业顾问咨询! You can make an appointment with a career advisor in the 哈特就业中心 to get 直接协助实习的各个方面:

  • Internship Search - receive help finding an internship that matches your career goals!
  • Internship Application - get your resume/cover letter reviewed before applying!
  • Internship Interview - practice your interview skills and receive feedback!
  • Internship Questions - answer any other internship-related questions you have!

在握手上预约,联系哈特就业中心 ccenter@jiaheqipei.com, call us at (309) 556-3071, or visit our office (M-F, 8am-4:30pm) on the second floor 欢迎中心的负责人.

扎亚茨帕特里克 -职业发展助理主任

部门 -就业中心